I have always remembered those "words of wisdom" (this was the teacher who put my name on the board- the only one ever to do so mind you!) and for some reason, I was mulling over them today.
As I'm deciding whether or not to jump into photography full time, open my own studio, and follow my dreams, I find myself putting up walls. Now isn't the right time, the economy is awful, what if I fail, what if I'm not good enough... the list goes on. Today, I stopped myself- I have so many people in my life who support me, love my work and believe in my dreams. I am the only one putting up barricades.
So, it probably isn't realistic for a wheelchair bound individual to aspire to be an NBA player, but did my 3rd grade teacher ever consider the NWBA?
You can be anything you want to be. Details may have to be modified, but never allow anyone to discourage you from following your dreams, setting goals and believing in your passions. Surround yourself with encouraging friends and family, and as my high school photography teacher told me "go soar."

Disclaimer: I don't make these awful faces when I'm shooting- I promise! Anyone willing to take some shots of me looking pretty with my camera?!