Alisher brought home a little surprise last weekend-He rescued a kitten that was hiding in the bumper of a car at his work! We're thinking it's a "she" and can't be older than 6 or 7 months. We are in search of the perfect cat name and open to suggestions (she is going to be living in an apartment full of guys so it can't be anything too cutesy!)

We have a kitten at work, and my twisted boss likes to call her Sweet & Sour Pork and threatens to sell her to a Chinese restaurant. (so we call her sweetie.) You should probably not name this cat in a similar fashion. However, they USED to have a cat named Allie. Allie Cat. I think that's cute...
you should go with a name like Sam or something like that, or randy? something that could be for a guy or a girl sinc oyu're not 100 percent sure its a girl. there's a sure fire way to tell though, just lift up the tail, and you'll be able to tell...but sometimes it is hard to tell when they're super young
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