Alisher brought home a little surprise last weekend-He rescued a kitten that was hiding in the bumper of a car at his work! We're thinking it's a "she" and can't be older than 6 or 7 months. We are in search of the perfect cat name and open to suggestions (she is going to be living in an apartment full of guys so it can't be anything too cutesy!)
It has been such a blessing to work with these 2009 seniors. Each of them has their own unique talents and traits- I can't say how much I enjoyed getting to know them and capturing their personalities. I will be watching for GREAT things to come from these guys- Oh the places you'll go...
I cannot believe how much these guys have grown! I have so many favorites from this session- the best pictures come from sessions of kids having fun, throwing the football and just being kids! It reminded me how out of shape I am trying to keep up with all three of them!